BE Informed
Posts about
Not-For-Profit (3)
Endowment Woes! Navigating The Nuances With Endowments
Endowment Woes! Navigating The Nuances With Endowments An endowment is a pool of funds donated or...
5 minute read
ESG: An Opportunity for Nonprofits
ESG: An Opportunity for Nonprofits In the for-profit world (and particularly among SEC-regulated...
3 minute read
Inflation Reduction Act: New Incentives for Colleges and Universities
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022: New Incentives for your College or University It’s not hard...
4 minute read
Is that a Lease? Nonprofit Lease Considerations under ASC Topic 842
Is that a Lease? A Focus on Nonprofit Lease Considerations under ASC Topic 842 While Accounting...
5 minute read
Forensic Investigation at an INGO
Forensic Investigation at an INGO No organization is immune to fraud. A recent investigation at...
1 minute read
New Data on Nonprofit Challenges and Opportunities
New Data on Nonprofit Challenges and Opportunities: Benchmark Yourself Against Industry Peers BDO...
1 minute read
How Will CECL Affect Your Not‑for-Profit?
How Will CECL Affect Your Not‑for-Profit? In 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)...
5 minute read
Presentation and Disclosure Examples for FASB ASU on Contributed Nonfinancial Assets
Presentation and Disclosure Examples for FASB ASU on Contributed Nonfinancial Assets In the Fall...
3 minute read
What is the Difference Between a Nonprofit and a Not-for-Profit?
What is the Difference Between a Nonprofit and a Not-for-Profit? This is one of the more common...
1 minute read
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