The “Back to Basics” blog series focuses on the critical concepts and most common compliance issues that are integral to managing and maintaining compliance with federal grants, for nonprofit organizations, state and local entities and higher education institutions.
Salary costs represent the bulk of dollars from federal grants and often pose compliance risks and challenges to new and experienced recipients alike. One question we are often asked by clients is, “how can we maintain compliance with federal regulations regarding accurately supporting and recording personnel costs when not all of our employees complete and submit timesheets?”
In this article, we will discuss the federal requirements for charging personnel costs to awards, alternatives to timesheet processes, and common challenges and pitfalls to avoid when charging labor costs to federal grants.
The Uniform Guidance (UG) section §200.430 Compensation—personal services details the specific requirements for salary and wages charged to federal awards, including the total compensation for individual employees:
The federal government expects payroll-related recordkeeping to be kept to a certain standard. Paragraph (8)(i) of section §200.430 specifies the “Standards for Documentation of Personnel Expenses” and requires that personnel costs charged to awards be supported by records that accurately reflect the work performed. Namely, the records must:
For many federal grant recipients, timesheets are an effective means of tracking personnel costs and documenting work performed.
So, are timesheets the only way to achieve and maintain compliance?
Normally, budget estimates alone are not enough to support charges to federal grants. However, Paragraph (8)(viii) of section §200.430 states that budget estimates are acceptable for interim accounting purposes, provided that:
While using timesheets to allocate payroll charges to projects is the ideal process and provides the strongest linkage from a control perspective, it is not explicitly required by the Uniform Guidance.
Furthermore, while individuals paid hourly must in fact maintain hourly timesheets, salaried employees do not. Therefore, some organizations (especially institutions of higher education [IHE]) do not require employees to maintain timesheets for time charged to federal awards if they would not otherwise be expected to (e.g., university faculty) or if it would be too administratively burdensome to require them do so.
In instances where timesheets are not used, organizations often implement an after-the-fact confirmation or certification process, which involves attestation by employees or other responsible individuals, such as Principal Investigators. The after-the-fact certification is confirmation that the amount of time and effort, or the portion of an employee’s salary, charged to each federal award and non-federal activity during a specific period, accurately reflects the portion of their overall time and effort spent on said award or activity in that period.
The type of organization may cause the name of the after-the-fact certification process, the frequency of reporting, and the roles and responsibilities of personnel throughout the process to vary. For example, in higher education, this type of process is generally referred to as the ‘effort reporting process’ and often occurs quarterly. For higher education institutions, the institutional base salary concept is of key importance to after-the-fact certification. This is the annual compensation a faculty member receives for all of their work at a university, which might include compensation for teaching, research, and administration. When certifying faculty effort during the quarterly effort reporting process, a faculty member’s entire effort and institutional base salary should be reflected.
Besides after-the-fact certification, it is important to understand the role payroll distributions play in maintaining compliance with federal grants. Payroll distributions represent how the organization allocates the cost of an individual’s salary and related costs initially within its financial system (typically based on budget estimates). The certification process for payroll distributions includes an after-the-fact review and confirmation that the effort expended is at least equal to the salary paid (or identifying necessary adjustments to cost charging to be an accurate reflection). When implementing a process to certify effort in payroll distributions, it is essential to recognize that effort distributions will be reasonable estimates of activities, considering that research and other activity may be intertwined. A sound effort certification process and compliance program should have a policy, procedure, and system that addresses the federal requirements.
There are several potential risks and common challenges that we have seen organizations experience when developing and implementing time charging policies and processes, including, but not limited to:
Labor Distribution Methods in a Timesheet Process:
There is more than one way to develop and implement a compliant timesheet process to ensure that labor distributions are appropriately supported by a system of internal control, incorporated into the official records of your organization, reasonably reflect the work performed, and comply with federal regulations. Namely, there are two common labor distribution methodologies employed when an organization utilizes timesheets. This includes the:
It is important to note that the salaries of administrative and clerical support staff are normally treated as indirect costs and that the requirements discussed above apply to directly charged employee time. Typical administrative and clerical roles that would be included in your organization’s indirect cost rate include finance, human resources, and sponsored research administration (e.g., grant administrators who work on multiple grants). In instances when an employee is working on so many activities that it becomes untenable for them to accurately track their time and directly charge grants, you may want to consider incorporating that person or role into the indirect cost rate.
While organizations can face many challenges in charging personnel costs to federal grants, consistent recordkeeping can help you mitigate compliance risks. Contact us for more information on how you can develop and implement compliant time and effort policies and processes for charging personnel costs to federal awards.
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