BE Informed

A Return To Work In The New Normal: How Companies Should Plan To Return To Work And Emerge From COVID-19 Stronger And Smarter - Brown Edwards

Written by Laura Sprouse | Apr 22, 2020 2:36:45 PM

APRIL 22, 2020

As the response to the COVID-19 pandemic progresses, many companies have established operational crisis management teams and adjusted to global restrictions on work and movement. Executives are now beginning to ask the question: How are we going to return to work?

Regardless of precisely how governments decide to ease their restrictions, companies need to plan for an orderly and thoughtful approach to returning to work. There are three crucial steps to accomplishing this:

1) Build a return-to-work plan.

2) Work through the stages of partial and full operations.

3) Increase resilience through monitoring for possible virus resurgence, completion of after-action reports, and program enhancements.

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Return To Work In The New Normal